Title: ‘Mother Earth’, Fine Art Photography by Anna Heimkreiter (Self-portrait, 2020)
Location: Upper Bavaria, Germany
About the artwork: This artwork was created for the annual Earth Day in support of positive action for our environment. It also highlights our innate connection to nature. Creating this unique perspective was not exactly easy and it was one of the rare occasions I had someone help out with my self portraits.
I spent an entire day moving several wheelbarrows full of soil onto a giant plastic sheet in my family’s backyard. My brother helped me to get covered all over with earth, then he climbed onto a ladder and brilliantly became my human tripod for these Earth Day shots.
To my own surprise, I was quite comfortable being buried like this – only cleaning up the mess afterward took quite some effort, as you can imagine. ‘Mother Earth’ represents the feeling of oneness with nature that so deeply resonates with my entire being.
We are a part – not apart – of nature and I cannot imagine a better cause than protecting the life-giving diversity and beauty of nature.
Limited Edition Fine Art Print:
Small – 20 x 30 cm – Edition of 60
Medium – 40 x 60 cm – Edition of 40
Large – 60 x 90 cm – Edition of 15
Extra-Large – 100 x 150 cm – upon request
Each Limited Edition Print comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and a matching hologram patch. Once this artwork runs out of editions, it will never be reprinted again.
A small white border is added to every Fine Art Print – please refer to the Sizing Guide for in-depth information on available sizes and framing.
Fine Art Print Quality:
Giclée Printing allows you to achieve reproductions of extraordinary quality, even at very large sizes. Using paper and inks of archival quality, their brilliance will last a lifetime. All Fine Art by Anna Heimkreiter is printed on one of the most beautiful Fine Art papers on the market, Hahnemühle Photo Rag®. It is a 100% cotton paper that makes artwork come alive with incredible depth and detail.
Sustainability Promise:
Good news – all Fine Art Prints on Where Wonder Waits are sustainable! The entire printing process is 100% end-to-end carbon neutral, using sustainable materials as well as packaging. When carbon emissions cannot be avoided (e.g. order deliveries), they are offset by investing in renewable energy projects.
Please see the Sizing Guide and FAQ for additional information.
Size | 62cm x 92cm, 24.4inches x 36.2inches, 41cm x 61cm, 16.1inches x 24.0inches, 21cm x 31cm, 8.3inches x 12.2inches |
Fulfillment partner | All Where Wonder Waits fine art prints are printed by: |